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Jeffrey Zarin, MD
(Orthopedics, Total Joints)
Dr. Zarin recently joined Dr. Yun and Dr. Bengs group. Here are his preferences:
Spinals preferred for all knee and hip cases
1 g IV tranexamic acic at the beginning and 1 g IV tranexamic acic at the end of case. Do not give IV tranexamic acid if the patient has exclusion critieria (recent stent, stroke, DVT...)
4 mg of dexamethasone at the beginning of the case
2 g Ancef for antibiotic (if pt weighs over 125 kg, use 3 g); may use vancomycin if patient has allergy to cephalosporin
No hip blocks. He infiltrates extensively.
Adductor canal blocks for all his patients. No exparel or OnQ.
15-30 mg Toradol at the end of the case with GFR > 60. Use your judgment based on size and age of patient. Hold if patient has allergy to Toradol.
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