Timothy Wilson, MD
(Urology, Robotic)
(909) 725-3226
PA Kayla Tran also can act as a contact point for us:
mobile 216-233-1244 email: kayla.tran2@providence.org
Internist/cardiologist sees the patient 2 weeks ahead. Kayla coordinates and makes sure all expected info is in the chart in advance.
Dr. Toiserkani group follows during hospitalization, and is available for day-of consultation
As always, Call the night before, Patients are expecting a call
Blood loss is typically 250cc
No special blocks are requested
No A-line or additional access is required unless indicated. Single "good" line is usually adequate.
Both arms tucked
FULL Trendelenburg
Foam pad over face to protect.
Bed will be turned 45 degrees
Ancef 2g
Toradol at end of case
2-3L is target. Wilson prefers well-hydrated patient,
Keep relaxed until fascia closed, usually 20 min after Wilson is done at the console
Expect 8-10 hours
EBL: typically ~500cc, Type + Cross recommended.
Lines: A-line preferred, 2 large IVs, or central access.
ERAS Protocol - Modified- No Block
Entereg (Alvimpoan) This is given PO in preop to speed the return of bowel function. It’s in a class called: Peripherally-Acting Mu-Opioid Receptor Antagonists (PAMORA). It should have minimal effect on intraop anesthesia/analgesia
ROBOTIC CYSTECTOMY (Dr. Linehan): 520-440-5142
ERAS protocol (see abdominal cases above) for cystectomy cases including Intrathecal Opioids (dosing as stated above)