Chaux, MD
Endobronchial Ultrasound (EBUS) guided biopsies:
Minimum size 8.5 ETT. Cannot ventilate around the scope with anything smaller.
ION robotic navigation guided biopsies
Deep paralysis necessary for integrity of nav registration. Any movement will require restarting procedure for re-registration.
45-60min procedures.
Atelectasis prevention
To optimize fidelity of the CT scan navigation
For all patients: FiO2 40%, Vt 400, PEEP 10, rate 10 (easy to remember 40 400, 10 10)
Fluoroscopy necessary for live view of biopsy needle coming out of the sheath.
Cryo cases for ILD lung biopsy
Minimum size 9.0 ETT.
LMA for proximal airway lesions.
Our LMAs have two little silicon strips across the orifice in LMA. Cut those out prior to placement so a scope can pass through.
CryoSpray Ablation with TrueFreeze Cryospray for central airway obstruction
Concern for rapid expansion of cold air causing pneumothorax.
Must communicate with Dr. Chaux and be prepared to disconnect circuit and deflate ETT cuff during cryo portions. LMA just needs to be disconnected, not deflated.
Rigid Bronchoscopy
Jet ventilation ideal.
Induce patient and hand off airway to Dr. Chaux. Jet ventilator can be hooked up to rigid scope.
TIVA since it’s jet vent.
Deep paralysis throughout case to prevent injury from bucking on scope.
If using laser or cautery, decrease FiO2 <40% to prevent fires.
In general try to limit inhaled volatile anesthetic. Higher chances of it leaking out or not delivering to patient predictably given the procedures.
Dr. Chaux has no preference on our use of benzos or narcotics but wants us to be using propofol for the bulk of the anesthetic.
High risk patients (i.e. highly vascular airway tumors) will be risk stratified and can be sent to the main OR based. Please discuss your concerns with Dr. Chaux.